Chapter 2


Let us picture it with wings, like the butterfly of chaos theory and Tinker Bell! Let’s imagine also that she is a descendant of Raoul Dufy’s
Electricity Fairy!


Edgar Morin, Method: Towards a Study of Humankind, vol. 1, The Nature of Nature, trans. J. L. Roland Bélanger (1992 [1977]), 100. Emphasis
in the original. In this systemic spirit, the whole always exceeds the sum of its part. This is also true of media culture and intermediality as systems.




By intermedia we mean the complex system resulting from intermedial relations and exchanges in a given media ecosystem. Intermedia
are thus tied to the porosity of media and to the relative abolition of the boundaries separating them. The result of amalgamating exchanges caused by convergence (of media and platforms), intermedia are in a sense the condition of our hypermedia.


By feedback we mean the return into the system of information that arose from it.


On this topic see the critical overview provided by Jean-Pierre Meunier, Approches systémiques de la communication (2003).


See the entry on “irreversibility” in “Abécédaire,” Les cahiers de médiologie 6 (1998): 275.


The vocabulary used in “mobilography” having not yet been stabilized, we asked a specialist in the field, Richard Bégin of the Université de Montréal, for details. This was his response (e-mail to André Gaudreault on April 10, 2013): “I use the term ‘mobilogram’ to speak of films shot with a telephone. With respect to people who watch films on their telephone or who use their phone for a ‘mobilographic’ or ‘mobilogame’ experience, the term ‘mobilosurfer’ appears to be the best suited (it is sometimes used in the press; I should collect examples). I call the person who creates with a telephone a ‘mobilographer,’ because they ‘write’ in a sense their own mobility. Don’t forget mobilogenius and mobilophile (a mobilosurfer to the power of ten)!”

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See André Gaudreault, Film and Attraction: From Kinematography to Cinema, trans. Timothy Barnard (2011).


The call for papers can be consulted on the site of the École supérieure d’art d’Aix-en-Provence.

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The complete text of the call for papers is reproduced at the following address:


Pierre Musso, “La ‘révolution numérique’: Techniques et mythologies,” author’s manuscript available online on the site of the Institut Mines-Télécom, 2010, 1 (published in La Pensée 355 [2008]) 103–20.

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The online version of the article can be found at the following address: See also the following two volumes by the same author: Critique des réseaux (Paris: PUF, 2003) and Réseaux et société (Paris: PUF, 2003).


Roland Barthes, Mythologies, trans. Annette Lavers (1972 [1957]).


Serge Tisseron, Petites Mythologies d’aujourd’hui ( 2000).

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