Chapter 2


Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, trans. Steven Rendall (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988 [1980]).


Simon Thibodeau, Université de Montréal, in an e-mail to the authors of the present volume dated May 15, 2013.

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A Digital Cinema Package is a hard drive that contains the digital files of the “film” being screened (the image “track,” the sound “track,” the subtitles and various metadata useful to the projectionist) and that is delivered to digitized movie theaters the way reels of film were in the days of celluloid. The files are encoded and, especially, encrypted. As a rule, the digital “key” for decrypting the “message” (and thus for screening the “film”) is valid only for a limited and predetermined period of time. Note that the number of words adorned here with scare quotes gives a good idea of how language today is barely keeping up with the changes underway.

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